Orientation and Training • • •
While all Paramedic, EMT and ALS personnel have standardized annual continuing education requirements, Hart to Heart Transportation also conducts in-house training on a regular basis. Orientation for all new employees is conducted at our main station in Forest Hill, Maryland. Regardless of the area they are assigned to, this centralized system allows Hart to Heart to set higher benchmarks assuring all new employees receive that exact same training. All drivers are fully trained utilizing the Smith System and VFIS, both internationally recognized driver safety training programs. Additionally, all drivers are thoroughly trained in emergency driving techniques, and must complete a practical driving course. Tests are administered to ensure that the employee is retaining the information.
All new employees attend new hire orientation. Some of the topics covered include:
- Company policy, protocols, and procedures
- HIPAA privacy training
- Communication in healthcare
- Patient handling and stretcher safety
- Liability for healthcare providers
- Emergency Vehicle Operator (EVO)
- Bloodborne pathogens
- Proper paperwork and documentation
- Sensitivity and diversity training
- Customer relations training
- Patient care and ePCR training